Having Ebersol's passionate faith meant the I.O.C. was blessed by its largest benefactor, who was protecting both his friend and his investment.
Thus, in the name of a com- passionate faith, fanatics slaughter those who have done them no harm, and we race recklessly toward destruction.
Mamonov plays the title hero, here, tsar Ivan the Terrible, a character torn between passionate faith and cruelty in its name.
Grantaire is cynical and upholds a philosophy of Nihilism, yet has an immense adoration for the passionate faith that Enjolras exudes.
"I am, indeed, often asked," he says, "how I can reconcile my passionate faith in India with my internationalist work for the United Nations."
The radical has a passionate faith in the infinite perfectibility of human nature.
Mendelssohn saw life without God as meaningless but this was not a passionate faith: he was quite content with the knowledge of God attainable by reason.
The particular variety of her early Christian belief remains unclear, but Tubman acquired a passionate faith in God.
He began in the 1950s to write a unique Mormon poetry of modernist sensibility and skill but also informed and passionate faith.
I have faith, Uncle, fervent, passionate faith.