Kopecký was a passionate admirer of film from his early age, and began to appear on screen shortly after the war.
Despite her 1825 marriage to a French doctor, he was to remain her passionate admirer until her death from cholera in 1849.
What has made me a passionate admirer of him and what he stands for I have learned in spite of the news media.
The arguments were irrelevant to the hundreds of thousands of passionate admirers who flooded Rome to pay their respects.
Heidegger was another sort of monster - a towering intellectual figure who became a passionate admirer of Hitler.
She's not the second coming as some of her passionate admirers might believe, but she's also no Satan.
He was a passionate admirer of Raphael, and had great success in reproducing his works.
Clara was a passionate admirer of all the Japanese arts.
Henry James, an early and passionate admirer of Flaubert, considered the book a large step down from its famous predecessor.
Writing like this makes for passionate admirers and grudging resisters.