He was a kind, gentle, and noble spirit whose passion for family, work and giving ruled his life and enriched ours.
He forbore swearing a mighty oath of vengeance only because the passion might rule him when he broke free at last and the effort to requite Fa'tad might prove suicidal.
They heralded from the Age of Aquarius, from a moment in time when passion had ruled over logic.
Without it, passion ruled and folly usually followed.
Her tears still trickled down her pale and beautiful face, but now his passion ruled him again, and he thought no more about them.
But it was a sad, nostalgic smile triggered by what seemed like ancient memories of a time when passions ruled, not problems.
One never knew what passions ruled them from moment to moment.
The unwonted lines which momentary passion had ruled in Mr. Pickwick's clear and open brow, gradually melted away, as his young friend spoke, like the marks of a black-lead pencil beneath the softening influence of india-rubber.
It is always difficult tackling a subject where national passions often rule over reason - and agriculture is always a real minefield.
'Embodied the Concept' Two passions ruled her professional life: the law and civil liberties.