While most ships don't have E-mail access directly from passenger staterooms, arrangements can usually be made with the vessel's radio room to use a satellite modem with a guest's laptop computer.
An entirely new superstructure was built that included passenger staterooms located primarily on promenade and "A" decks.
Christina O has a master suite, eighteen passenger staterooms, and numerous indoor and outdoor living areas, all connected by a spiral staircase.
The bulkheads had been torched away for entry and for the removal of the treasures packed in the passageways and former passenger staterooms.
The ferry offers a number of entertainment options and eating facilities on board, as well as passenger staterooms equipped with sleeping berths.
Located aft of the main dining lounge on "B" deck, these rooms were smaller and some lacked amenities such as portholes which were included in the passenger staterooms.
In one direction lay passenger staterooms; in the other, personnel cabins and offices.
Yours is a regular passenger stateroom; the only one that's fitted up, as it happens.
Radar, salt water conversion unit, draws nine feet, seven passenger staterooms, three heads with tub and shower.
The North Carolina burned on January 29, 1859, when a fire started in a passenger stateroom.