I thought things were going well, because the passenger ridership was increasing.
"Certainly the decline in that passenger ridership has a negative effect on other activities at the airport," Mr. Salley said.
As of 2011, MDT has a daily passenger ridership of 336,067, and accounts for over 15% of Miamians' daily transportation.
MDT has seen growing passenger ridership since 1998, with ridership increasing 79% since then.
The project follows a five-fold increase over 2005 figures in passenger ridership over the line in 2006.
Initially, the metro trains carried 5 train cars each, but as the passenger ridership declined, the number of cars was reduced to three.
CAK doubled passenger ridership from 2000-2006, with new flights added by AirTran Airways and Frontier Airlines.
The Catalan government also esteems daily passenger ridership at 32,000 not including though, the Renfe commuter train service which crosses the city.
In 2010, the new C381 was built for Taipei Metro to cope with increasing passenger ridership and the expansion of its network route.
Because of this, there are preliminary reports that the passenger ridership has skyrocketed on the services operated by the new trains.