The law's passage also represented a major achievement for a state legislature that studies have called the least efficient in the nation.
In the opinion of many educators and policymakers, passage of this legislation represented a major stride toward improving farming.
Every passage represents some person, place or event in this story.
This passage is sometimes represented as a judgment, presided over by a divine figure.
He added that 30 years after Title IX's passage, women represent just 42 percent of the slots in sports programs.
The following passage represents something that didn't fit into any of the classes but seemed worth saying.
The entire passage represented by paragraphs 9 and 10 of Deut.
This passage may very well represent what was contained in the missing rider referred to on p. 119.
The passage of the act, which was amended in 1980, represented the first time the United States had a broad based historic preservation policy.
In that respect, this passage of the Scottish title race represents a level playing field for the Glasgow pair.