This passage implies these Persian generals counter-attacked 'immediately' after the Battle of Ephesus.
A passage in Orosius implies, but does not directly state, that he was on the list of the proscribed.
In a letter dated May 11, the owners of Patsy's complain that the passage implied that their photos were unauthentic.
A later passage implies that Daniel did drink wine at times, though it may not have been the king's.
But this passage implies that any schizophrenic patient who remains terribly ill has insufficient desire to improve or an unsupportive family.
"The passage implied that the judiciary was party to a subtle scheme to suppress public dissent."
This passage from "The Lost World," among others, implies that the end result of such animal behavior would be unilateral extinction of the species.
One passage in the property inventory made after Nicolas Mathieu's death implies that the father left his business to his son.
The president asked whether the pope had, in fact, been the pope then, as the passage implied.
In this sense, the passage implies an aesthetic preference for an older type of landscape as well as a fear of social and economic dislocation.