Ramage felt uncomfortable in his new clothes, although they were a passably good fit.
"You know, sometimes it's an awful lot of trouble to be a civilized, reasonable, passably good person."
Indeed, you need to be something of a jack of all trades and passably good at most of them.
The conductor Marco Guidarini, in his company debut, got a passably good but uninspired performance from the Met orchestra on opening night.
Lady Lapith made a few discreet inquiries, and having found that George's financial position, character, and family were all passably good, she asked him to dine.
But, bad for idle schoolboys, it did so happen that they were passably good for him.
We must just remain where we are and fortify ourselves with some more of this passably good Burgundy.
Marco Guidarini, in his company debut, gets a passably good but uninspired performance from the Met orchestra.
As they passed the sign, Jack lashed out with one foot in a passably good kung-fu kick and knocked it over.