That night, she allowed a hospital ship to pass unmolested.
Even the panthers and the lions let the growling Tarmangani pass unmolested.
If you stand aside and allow me to pass into my home unmolested, my troops will let you live.
If an expensive car goes by - surely someone rich or powerful - the young men and women may let it pass unmolested.
Police had been told that a coupe should be passed unmolested.
She was well received in the Albanian highlands and passed unmolested despite being a lone female traveller.
"Maybe the challenge is to distract the monster, so we can pass unmolested."
Their demands are simple: the adventurers must give them something to eat if they want to pass unmolested.
However the soldiers were allowed to pass unmolested and carried on to set up camp at Waima School.
At 1800, the destroyer, allowed to pass unmolested, disappeared to the northwest.