But she said passing a resolution to that effect would not work "because the County Executive doesn't have to follow resolutions."
In order for the monarch to resume his duties, a law (which is signed by the regent) must be passed to that effect.
It happened like this: Parliament wanted to legalize abortion and passed a bill to that effect.
If state governments want to continue to provide particular services to illegal immigrants, they are supposed to pass laws to that effect.
And that a resolution should be passed by the Council to that effect before the matter can proceed further.
Congress passed a new law to that effect, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, after Hayes left office.
The Legislative Assembly passed a bill to that effect.
The parliament passed a resolution to that effect on 2 June.
The House passed resolutions to that effect on May 15, 1860, at which time Howard took the oath of office.
On completion of the enquiry, award will be passed to that effect and published by the competent authority.