The proposition passed statewide, but in Beverly Hills only 34% voted in favor and 66% voted against it.
Indeed, while the term-limits proposal passed statewide, 52 percent to 48 percent, last fall, it failed, 53 percent to 47 percent, in Mr. Foley's Fifth Congressional District.
Among the graduating class of 2001, 97 percent of students statewide passed the English Regents and 95 percent passed the math Regents, Mr. Hirschen said.
(Typically, a much higher percentage of students statewide pass the writing portion, which is easier than the math and reading parts.)
Although the amendment passed statewide with 55% of the vote, only 33% of Boulder County supported it.
Of those who actually took the test by June, 93 percent passed statewide, and 84 percent in New York City.
The state test results, released in October, showed that fewer than 45 percent of eighth graders statewide passed this year's math and English tests.
Excluding special education, 55 percent of students private schools statewide passed the test, and 52 percent of those in public school.
Senate Joint Resolution 41 was voted on as state Ballot Measure 71, which passed statewide by a margin of more than 2 to 1.