But people prefer Jolarpettai Junction through which 121 trains pass per day.
Franklin also passed for 699 yards, 21.2 yards per completion and 13 touchdowns.
It was at this period that, to use his own words, he "passed per saltum from frivolity to philosophy".
The Jets gave up 19.6 points, 119.9 yards rushing and 185.1 yards passing per game.
Traffic volume along Silver Lake remains consistent with approximately 1,000 cars passing it per day.
During the strike shortened 1982 season, Fouts averaged what is still a record of 320 yards passing per game.
The sensor detects when the magnet passes once per rotation of the wheel.
In his junior year, he averaged 330.6 yards passing per game and threw for a then Pac-10 conference record 33 touchdowns.
The amount of instructions that pass per clock cycle is a very complex topic.
He completed 192-of-333 passes for 2,462 yards and 25 touchdowns, averaging 189.4 yards passing per game.