As a general rule, all intellectual works, after enough time has gone by, will pass into the public domain.
There is no standard edition of this text in hardcover, having passed into the public domain.
For one, it's no longer about balancing interests because nothing ever passes into the public domain.
After a brief trial, the judge determined that the rights to the original Kong had passed into the public domain.
Of course, there may be people who want to keep their work from passing into the public domain, even if it is not commercially exploited.
They may also involve using characters that have passed into the public domain with those concurrently under copyright protection.
Under European Union law all books, poems and paintings pass into the public domain 70 years after the death of their creator.
This decision strengthened the rights of those who wish to make use of works that have passed into the public domain.
They must pass into the domain of the Enemy far from aid.
Devils used to employ it during black masses and such, but now the patent has passed into the common domain.