The park features a walking path along the shoreline, which passes by a play area and a walkable pier before terminating at the park's observation tower.
In Delmar, the route passes through areas of more commercial nature before terminating at an intersection with NY 443.
It passes through the town of Ballymore, and several hamlets, before terminating in Mullingar.
The highway then turns northeast and passes through Kenosha before terminating at Highway 32.
The highway continued north past this junction, passing through Garfield before terminating at Route 18 east of Streator.
As with Zeller, he postulated that melancholia constituted the primary form of mental illness which then passed to mania before terminating in dementia.
It passes one large shopping plaza before terminating opposite another at a junction with Routes 5 and 20.
In the heart of the village, Route 194 passed a few businesses and the central school before terminating at an intersection with NY 12.
NY 239 passed through a primarily residential area of the village just before terminating at US 20 in the village center.
This road passes through Frontenac and Thoten before terminating in Bellechester.