Ten days later Malenkov was forced by his rivals to give up control of the party machinery.
Such a campaign would be quixotic, at best, pitting her against the state's entire party machinery.
However, its success at the polls did not translate into a lasting party machinery.
He was active as a culturally political employee in the party machinery until 1958.
"I don't think anyone has suggested that the Republican Party's challenges two days ago were due to party machinery," he said.
The money was intended as a donation to the local party machinery, but what actually happens to it is anyone's guess.
If ever there was an election in which outsiders could take the presidency without the party machinery, this is it.
They will retain a significant role through the party machinery in policy formation.
By this time, Martin had gained control of much of the party machinery.
Another part is to take debate outside the party machinery.