The institute found that 10 top national party contributors also gave a total of $367,000 to the New York party.
The money the long-time Republican loyalist is able to gather from party contributors helps, but is not enough, she says.
Several other officials are under investigation, accused of granting contracts to companies that are major party contributors.
She was a party contributor, she passed through two metal detectors and she was ID-checked at the door.
Some, like the Lauders, are longtime party contributors.
The reasons are being distributed in a mass mailing to several million potential party contributors, with a return envelope for those persuaded by their cumulative logic.
Unlike the Democrats, who released an updated list of party contributors on Tuesday, the Republicans had many corporations on their list.
You must make sure that any third party contributors do not directly benefit from the projects which they are helping to fund.
Ensure that you, or a third party contributor, do not benefit from your contributions.
Mr. Brown said he expected the total cost of the inauguration to be "under $20 million," which will be paid for mainly by party contributors and corporate sponsors.