French President Nicolas Sarkozy's party allies demanded a public apology from his main electoral opponent after he reportedly branded him a "nasty piece of work".
The former Communists did not trust the former Left-Socialists now enlisted as party allies, however.
Still, Hudson Valley's board has had a particularly Republican cast, heavily weighted with party allies and contributors.
But the Prime Minister, slapping down his party ally, insisted that the remarks had "no basis whatsoever."
Some environmentalists fear that Mr. Clinton is trying to placate Mr. Byrd, a party ally who stood by him during the impeachment battle.
Their minor party ally in the Australian Parliament, the Australian Greens support a change to a republic.
A political independent, running for her fourth term in Parliament, she was merely helping out a party ally.
The secretaries are set by the mayor, usually accommodating party allies of the chief executive.
Intentionally or not, Mr. Cheney reinforced his image as the spokesman for the Bush White House in waiting, a crown prince conferring with his party allies.
Her manner often sorely tried her own party allies over the years.