In the 1945 election, the Communists were unopposed because the other parties abstained.
Following a failed royalist coup, the monarchist parties abstained, leading to a landslide for the Liberals and their allies.
This support was based on the so-called non-sfiducia ("non-challenge"), meaning that these parties would abstain in any confidence vote.
The pro-monarchist parties abstained and the Liberals won 250 seats out of 398.
The liberal party abstained from this election.
The royalist parties abstained from the December elections, paving the way for the electoral triumph of the Venizelist parties.
Two smaller Protestant parties, with links to paramilitary groups, abstained.
This declaration states that, in any war between signatory powers, the parties will abstain from using "bullets which expand or flatten easily in the human body."
Accordingly, as is becoming traditional on these occasions, my party will be abstaining.
The conservative party abstained of participating in the contest, and Zaldúa, as only candidate, won the presidency election.