Working in the parts factory had bulked them out, and they ate from plates full to overflowing.
Many analysts praise the parts factories' improvement, but caution they have a long way to go.
China's auto industry is not yet competitive in the global market because of quality problems and inefficient parts factories.
During the 19th century the population grew rapidly due to watch and watch parts factories that opened in the village.
More than 100 parts factories have also shut down, partly or entirely because the assembly plants are closed.
Fourth: None of the parts factories used were absolutely identical.
The company has closed 22 of its 29 assembly plants in North America and 44 parts factories, idling 84,000 workers.
Both oppose the company's efforts to sell or close its parts factories.
During the 2004 election campaign I visited a parts factory near Gütersloh.
All told, the company has laid off 105,500 workers, not including the 9,200 walking the picket line outside two parts factories here.