McGlashan Everist was an Australian architectural partnership founded in 1955 by David McGlashan and Neil Everist.
The Alliance for American Manufacturing or AAM is a non-profit, non-partisan partnership founded by America's leading manufacturers and the United Steelworkers in 2007.
Prometheus Incorporated was a private partnership, founded in 1999 after having raised $10 million during the previous two years from a group of 134 cryonicists.
The NCD Alliance is a global partnership founded in May 2009 by four international federations representing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease.
Rather than that, we want a partnership between the European Union and the United States of America, a partnership founded on cooperation between equals and on multilateral partnership.
Even in times of difficulty, we have always believed in the crucial importance of the transatlantic partnership, a partnership founded on dialogue and respect.
That is the only way our dialogue can progress on a basis of partnership founded on equal rights and obligations.
It finally became possible to unify Europe and to create a broad, pan-European partnership, founded upon freedom and democracy.
BBPR was an architectural partnership founded in Milan, Italy in 1932.
It is a special form of noncommercial partnership founded by the state to fulfill socially significant tasks.