The public-private partnership, announced by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak on March 24, 2010, combines the efforts of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission and Telekom Malaysia.
These partnerships combine traditional knowledge, science and business to develop "green", socially responsible and sustainable forest products and services, like low-impact timber harvesting, ecotourism, training forest rangers and guides, and harvesting aquarium fish.
The partnership would have combined Coca-Cola's Minute Maid business and Procter's Sunny Delight drink and Pringles Chips brands.
This partnership combines opportunities in biomedical education and basic, translational, and clinical research with a collaborative interdisciplinary perspective.
The three-year partnership combines the expertise of both organizations to accomplish unique scientific goals, commonly develop and use specialized knowledge and facilities and increase cooperation.
GAP develops public-private partnerships (PPPs) to combine resources from the public and private sectors to accomplish the goals of HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care.
The technology and partnerships and the need to be distinctive from the 24-hour channels are combining to change the roles of crews and correspondents.
The partnership combines traditional beliefs and local knowledge with the political and administrative tools needed to effectively manage habitats.
According to the ACTC's official website (see link below), "this partnership combines the benefits of our campuses' small, liberal arts atmospheres with the diverse opportunities of a large university.
Carr's partnership with guitarist Blackwell combined his light bluesy piano with a melodic jazzy guitar that was a progenitor of urban blues.