Taylor and his partners produced major works in natural history, as well as fine editions of the classics.
By early 1990s Utva, and her partner, have produced enough parts for the completion of 10 pre-production airframes.
Often a few coworkers, partners, or shareholders produce remarkable sales volumes.
If his partner had produced a trick, the six-heart save would likely have been a phantom.
Next he led his remaining club, hoping for a sixth trick, and his partner produced the jack.
Nintendo's partner, Mitsubishi, produces most of the system's hardware components.
In Example A five partners produce a taxable profit of £300,000.
According to Viertel, this was faster than any play he and his partners had ever produced.
In that building, the partners produced the 1916 B & W Seaplane.
West put up the queen, hoping his partner would not produce the king, and continued diamonds, playing the queen and another.