The private partner would operate, manage and further develop the infrastructure to ensure that the area is fully irrigated within six years.
Nothing in the structure of major corporate law firm practice or the value system under which its partners operate makes a "mommy track" inevitable.
He and his partner, Milton Good, operated a general store here in 1885.
Now, in two of their buildings, the partners operate resource centers where the children do their homework and play educational games.
In four years, the partners were operating seven outlets in the Perth area.
The companies emphasize that their customers, suppliers and partners increasingly operate all over the world.
Wemette and his partner operated a pornography shop in Chicago.
Nextel and its partners operate in some of those territories.
The county's private-sector partners own, operate and maintain the project.
And it bought a handful of other small commercial buildings, many with off-beat tenants, that the partners will operate as is.