Our partners manage to maintain their equipment very well, and when the time comes for an upgrade, we provide it.
The funds are usually structured as a limited partnership, in which a general partner manages the fund and determines its investment strategy.
What can I do to help my partner manage the condition?
Public officials must be careful to retain control of outcomes even while their private partners directly manage services.
The partners also manage the show, determining aspects such as length of interval and start times.
He took control of the kitchen while his wife, Clara, tended the bar and a partner managed the 70-seat dining room.
After his partner managed to free, fell out and the group was over.
When he returned to the city, he found out his partner had somehow managed to sell the business and ruin him.
Across the room, Polesta's partner had managed to get her to her feet.
The partners managed to avoid blame and liability by leaving Barkley to take all responsibility.