The basic cost of a simple civil service is £35 but that rises to £52 if one or other partner lives in a different district.
For a couple who reach 65, there is a 45 percent chance that one partner will live to 90.
If the partners live together, the relationship may be similar to marriage, and the other person may be called husband or wife.
Both partners still live above the store, in neighboring towers.
She and her partner live in Oakland with their daughter Yeshi.
He also owns the church the partners all live in.
My partner and his mate live near a lake in an area surrounded by vast trees filled with small game.
Usually primary partners live together and share finances, parenting and decision making.
Usually consisting of three to six adults, all partners live together, share finances, children, and household responsibilities.
"There is no reason for this business to dissolve except that some partners could not live with others."