Tumors that have spread to other places in the body may be partly or entirely removed by surgery.
Nay, the evil resulting from my former act, was partly removed by assuring you that in all places but this you were safe.
These differences were partly removed during the rabbinical conference of Philadelphia (1869), which Wise attended.
The disused runway in the distance has been partly removed to allow more room for gliders landing on the grass.
When the woman awoke, her clothing was partly removed and her purse was missing.
Not much now remains of the platforms as they were partly removed during works for the 1988 electrification.
Two floors were partly removed, creating soaring volumes from claustrophobic parlors.
The embankments of the railway have been partly removed following its closure in the 1950s, and the line is now a public walkway.
If other organs, such as the stomach, gut, spleen and gallbladder, are involved, they can be partly or totally removed.
The additions of the 19th century had been partly removed in 1934/35.