Therefore the RRG was broken up, and the flying club was partly absorbed by the Hitler Youth.
All have experienced rapid urban population growth which has been partly absorbed into the manufacturing and service sectors.
Normally, ultraviolet radiation that gets through the ozone is partly absorbed in the lower atmosphere, but this is less true in Antarctica, where the air is exceptionally clear.
The company said the cuts would be partly absorbed by vacant positions.
As a result, the Gepids ceased to exist as an independent people, and were partly absorbed by the Lombards and the Avars.
Caprenin is composed of a variety of fatty acids, primarily from behenic acid, which is only partly absorbed by the body.
They were partly absorbed into the ethos of the aristocracy.
Its area has been partly absorbed by the growth of London; with its name reused for the modern housing development of Chafford Hundred.
In the action Manassas rammed USS Richmond, but the impact was partly absorbed by a coal barge tied alongside.
All radio waves are partly absorbed by atmospheric moisture.