She was often on lists of the world's 10 most admired women, but her glamorous existence and tart tongue drew criticism, sometimes partisan, sometimes envious.
Initially, because of partisan criticism and millions of dollars of ads run against me, I lost ground in some approval ratings.
In his three years at the budget agency, which tries to bring accuracy and objective underpinning to judgments about the economy and Federal budgets, he managed to survive with little partisan criticism.
Senator Lott's partisan criticism, juxtaposed with his call for a truce, suggests just how fine a line Republican leaders are walking as they position themselves for the budget talks.
Often, Vice Presidents will take harder-line stands on issues to ensure the support of the party's base while deflecting partisan criticism away from the President.
I've been kind of a shock absorber for highly partisan criticism," he said, "and I'm not going to do that anymore.
The sting operation led to partisan criticism, both from Bharatiya Janata Party, as well as the Congress.
Democrats said the Administration may have acted insensitively but would have faced harsh partisan criticism if Presidential aides had ignored warnings of possible financial irregularities.
Her finance problems could outlast partisan criticisms.
His successful negotiations to merge Canada and the United States into one nation, had served to establish an image that was immune to partisan criticism.