Kennedy turned, watching the servants approach through the parting crowd.
Rosa's As the band on stage holds down a slow blues beat, the club is suddenly ringing with lyrical blues harmonica, and a man in a floppy leather cap with a harmonica holster slung over his shoulder is playing his way through the parting crowd.
The white-robed figure walked slowly through the parting crowds on the wharf, past the congested Star Ferry pier, and disappeared into the growing pandemonium of the Tsim Sha Tsui.
I weave through the immobile linen shifts and khaki pants, immediately locating Mrs. X in the parting crowd.
She scurried over, her long mauve robes rustling, her enormous hat carrying her along like a sail through the parting crowd.
"A change of scenery at last," Laurent heard Sid whisper under her breath as the females were brought into the room and led his way through the parting crowd.
She flicked her ears, indecisive, turned and stalked out the airlock through the parting crowd of tall mahendo'sat.
The Romulan leader purposefully moved through the parting crowd, her arms hidden under the cloak and her expression unchanged.
The parting crowd revealed Nanny Ogg, holding a pitchfork in one hand and a torch in the other and thrusting them both in the air while muttering, 'Rhubarb, rhubarb.'