But since their town, too, transcends a border, the Chinantecans' connection between here and there is particularly vibrant.
Particularly vibrant examples in the double-layered "Castle Window" series have a stained-glass character.
Much has been made of the notion that Mr. Tarantino wanted the blood to be a particularly vibrant red.
The synagogue is noted as a particularly vibrant and fast-growing institution.
Germany, despite its economic stagnation, is considered a particularly vibrant market for Hilfiger, followed by Spain.
The South-East was particularly vibrant, increasing its share of the national population by 2 percentage points between 1911 and 1951.
There's surprisingly little to do in Cannes itself - no vital gallery, outstanding historical monument or particularly vibrant memories of great former residents.
In between these sections lies particularly vibrant and rhythmic writing for solo voices as well as choir.
During this time period, GW is described as having been particularly vibrant in student life.