The sandstone statues dated to the early neolithic era are particularly splendid.
The quilted nylon one, in fuchsia or orange with a suede tassel, is particularly splendid.
Divided into thematic chapters with a particularly splendid one on the death of Cleopatra.
One design, with a high, straight back, wide, gracefully curved arms, and carved legs and cross-pieces, was particularly splendid.
The Cinderella in which we played that year was a particularly splendid one.
Their green upper tail coverts hide their tails and in breeding males are particularly splendid, being longer than the rest of the body.
That to Emma, who makes it the labor of her life to be always in the height of fashion and was particularly splendid that night.
The plants look particularly splendid when they are planted near boulders to climb over them.
Therefore, at Baiyun Temple, the view of the entire city could be seen and was particularly splendid at dusk.
The suites are particularly splendid, as are the park views.