Soon, the place was packed - Bavaria is famously Catholic, and this north-eastern corner is said to be particularly pious.
In accordance with his role as founder of the Levites, Levi is referred to as being particularly pious.
Particularly pious clerics of the giantish gods are believed to be invited to Gudheim for one night just before their deaths.
For all its official connection to Sharnâ, the assassins' guild isn't particularly pious, and this is the emblem of one of Sharnâ's priests.
It was not because I was particularly pious, but rather because my namesake, Nicholas Breakspear, had been the only Englishman who had ever become Pope.
A literary critic proposes that one of the authors of the first five books of the Bible was a woman, and not a particularly pious one at that.
The foreman, Mrs. Gossett, looked particularly pious as Ozzie mumbled to himself and flipped papers.
It is possible for people who are not particularly pious to live just as ethically as people who are pious.
He wasn't a particularly pious man, nor one to send up prayers to the gods at any excuse.
He grew up attending church twice weekly but was not particularly pious; he does recall being parentally rewarded for good deeds by, what else, a cold can of homegrown soda pop.