It is particularly nettlesome when a reader attacks not my argument but my character.
One particularly nettlesome feature of the new rules requires people to figure minimum withdrawals for each I.R.A. they own.
The 500-foot requirement could prove particularly nettlesome for a large number of the stores.
The issue may be particularly nettlesome to consumers because purchases by telephone are typically more expensive items than those ordered by mail, Mr. Brewer said.
The presence of the rebels has become particularly nettlesome for NATO.
Algebra is a particularly nettlesome subject, the stage in a math curriculum where discouragement is most likely to set in.
It was the electrical wires hanging overhead that proved particularly nettlesome.
Indonesia was particularly nettlesome because of the question of how to treat President Suharto, the aging dictator, whom President Clinton had supported.
That could prove particularly nettlesome to the challenger.
The Bush administration is trying to deal with a particularly nettlesome problem: preparing Americans for a struggle that may last decades without simultaneously demoralizing them.