In 2013 the Indian Health Service was hit hard by sequestration funding cuts of $800,000 which particularly impacted the already-underfunded service.
Particularly impacted by this process are Plantar Fascia and Achilles Tendon.
Latency and jitter can particularly impact the performance of real-time applications, such VoIP and gaming.
Venezuela is not prone to tropical cyclones, but can occasionally be hit, impacting on coastal regions particularly, with torrential rain, powerful winds, high waves and storm surges.
Lack of political will, institutional capacity, and relevant training remained significant impediments to improved anti-trafficking performance, particularly impacting the effectiveness of law enforcement activities; the government failed to investigate or prosecute traffickers in 2009.
With a special emphasis on topics that particularly impact the poor and marginalized internationally, Juxtaposition explores the essential health issues of our time in a novel and dynamic forum.
Cramer questioned Chiles's opposition to a proposed severance tax on phosphate mining, which particularly impacted Tampa Bay.
Beginning on November 5, 2008, the strike caused the transit agency to reduce its fixed and paratransit service levels, particularly impacting Austin residents who had to use public transit.
The arrival of the railway caused the decline of coastal shipping; the opening of the line to Waimahaka particularly impacted the fortunes of Fortrose's port on Toetoes Bay detrimentally.
However, the Vice President began implementing liberal reforms, particularly impacting the Mexican Army and the Catholic Church.