The idea of an international right to know is a creative and, for the companies, a not particularly burdensome new approach.
For Mr. Dery's parents, the prospect of moving is particularly burdensome.
States are increasingly concerned about paying for services for the growing elderly population, and Medicaid has become a particularly burdensome budget item.
This tax was considered particularly burdensome by the Chinese as there had been no taxation prior to Dutch occupation of the island.
Some charges are particularly burdensome for poor parents.
The ban on Saturday work, he said, is particularly burdensome.
In this economic environment, rising health care costs are particularly burdensome because they increase labor costs even as wages are barely moving.
"It's particularly burdensome on small firms, many of whom are not automated and do their bookkeeping by hand."
This can be particularly burdensome when two or more manuals are coupled.
We are also tackling administrative burdens, which are particularly burdensome for small businesses.