"Medium" seems to give a noticeable speed increase, and the image quality difference wasn't particularly bothersome.
Butterflies, bees, wasps, even flies and a few mosquitoes were not particularly bothersome.
A lack of dramatic depth was particularly bothersome in his most ambitious efforts.
Then a particularly bothersome thought occurred to me.
Owners of small, independent book stores have said they find shoplifting particularly bothersome.
Major: Tell your doctor about any side effects that are persistent or particularly bothersome.
Noxious plants that cause rashes can be particularly bothersome to hikers.
Rather, it has sprouted two variants that he finds "particularly bothersome."
Particularly bothersome is a feeling of an almost mean-spirited twisting of events described in the book.
Even so, the survey found that when military personnel filed complaints about particularly bothersome incidents, 51 percent said nothing was done.