The technology is particularly amenable for higher temperature and pressure environments required in cleaner diesel engines that are being mandated by global environmental regulations.
Entrepreneurship is a big thing in San Francisco, and the visual arts are particularly amenable to it.
Most of the components of the objects are not particularly amenable to advanced dating methods.
Stem cells are particularly amenable to genetic manipulation.
Claude Simon's fiction at this time is particularly amenable to the criteria established by Ricardou.
Heroin addiction is particularly amenable to treatment.
These active areas of research give rise to two questions that are particularly amenable to bioinformatic analysis.
The army, too, finds him particularly amenable to discipline.
Intertidal habitats have been a model system for many classic ecological studies, including those introduced below, because the resident communities are particularly amenable to experimentation.
The programme is particularly amenable to small communities, as it is very easy to obtain a grant and there are no unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles.