Sometimes the audience in mind when a particular witness is invited to testify is an overlapping one.
It is impossible to predict with any degree of certainty how fallible a particular witness is likely to be, or how persuasively he will lie.
"There is an enormous amount of misinformation and false information that is being bandied about with respect to that particular witness and the circumstances of questioning," Mr. Starr said.
In those clips, reporters analyze the prosecutor's performance (and, thus, the player's performance) in the examination of that particular witness.
"A tremendous anger rose in me at that particular witness," he said.
The strategy was that if a particular witness made a feeble or even damaging impression on the jury, then he or she could be yanked off the stand and sent home.
Paragraph 12 is a means of ascertaining whether or not an applicant has demonstrated a sufficient interest in challenging the evidence of a particular witness.
Under Chilean law, prosecutors and judges may keep testimony secret and may use their own judgment in deciding how much credence to assign to the information provided by particular witnesses.
In addition, the case officer was frequently given photographs from a broad range of CIA stations to show to this particular witness.
The column did not acknowledge that a particular witness testified on behalf of an organization of police officers of color.