They have a peak of sensitivity at a particular wavelength, and nearby wavelengths stimulate them to a lesser degree.
The fruits have a special microscopic structure which allows them to reflect the light of particular wavelengths.
This stimulated emission process leads to a dominant light field with a particular wavelength, direction, and phase.
The ring structures absorb particular wavelengths of light, and thus appear colored.
It is dependent on the geometry and the reflectivity at a particular wavelength of an object.
If no loss is found, then most probably there is dispersion with that particular wavelength.
This includes compounds that helps absorb this particular wavelength of light.
However, there are also phenomena which are only observable with particular wavelengths of light.
The piston coefficient is typically expressed in wavelengths of light at a particular wavelength.
Each type of chemical (element) absorbs a particular wavelength, so scientists can tell which chemicals are in the sample.