Nourrice served as a transport and there exist some reports of particular voyages or periods of service.
The demands of this particular voyage are a new experience for everyone, and each of us has to find a way to deal with them.
In a way, I supposed I travelled first class on my own on that particular voyage compared to the others.
"One does not have to be human to understand that this particular voyage is bound to trouble your emotions."
The gravity of Newtonian romance was the obstacle and the excuse that kept him from making this particular voyage to the east.
On this particular voyage, however, most of the immigrants distrusted him.
Many specimens were collected from Tonga and many are specific to a particular voyage.
Just when she was about to wonder if this particular voyage led to the center of the planet, they bumped to a stop.
The steward picked these five others for this particular voyage.
It had been no complicated matter to find the meticulously kept records of one particular voyage of a merchant ship called the Manticore.