A Class War Federation developed, gaining particular prominence in the anti-poll tax movement of the late 80s and early 1990s.
She found particular prominence as a playback singer in Hindi cinema.
Among the sensory faculties, the visual has assumed a particular prominence in the modern age.
Those fantasies have particular prominence in the mental life of narcissists.
Two of Carrington's descendants gained particular political prominence.
The "Wobblies" as they were commonly known, gained particular prominence from their incendiary and revolutionary rhetoric.
The state Democratic Party has recently made economic factors a major component of its platform, with advocacy for middle class workers of particular prominence.
The monastery gained particular prominence in the late Middle Ages.
The violins are given particular prominence with their skittering runs of 1/32d notes, but all the instruments have passages of note.
The document was declassified only thirty years later and not given particular prominence even then.