Through references to food, landscape, and the unique Kweilin opera, he suggests the particular poignancy of exile from that place.
Photographs have a particular poignancy, it seems, when it comes to tweaking our inner environmental consciousness.
These questions acquire a particular poignancy when it comes to the investigative stage of a crime, during which young suspects are interviewed by the police.
THE memoirs of food writers have a particular poignancy, for the child really is father to the man.
"I was interested in the way overheard things took on a particular poignancy and power," he said.
His death - after so many others - had particular poignancy, his colleagues said.
This quality of the brain observing itself is what gives "My Year Off" its particular poignancy.
But for Bostonians it carried a particular poignancy.
This point has particular poignancy for the infants and children of a striking worker.
But Enron has a particular poignancy for the insurance industry.