Ribosomal protein genes bound by this protein had a tendency to use a particular motif with a stronger consensus sequence.
In many cases instead of the whole protein structure, the 3D structure of a particular motif representing an active site or binding site can be targeted.
For this particular motif signified "beatific joy", representing either "intimate gladness or blissful adoration."
There isn't a substantial body of films which reflect an ongoing or developing concern with race-related themes, but rather sporadic 'moments' in which particular motifs have featured prominently.
This particular motif suggests that it may increase cell-to-cell contact in cells which express TIG1 (Jing et al., 2002).
Anders links this development to a particular motif in Steven Moffat's stories.
Peanut's humor is not based on a particular motif or stereotype, as those of the other characters, and has been described as "the bad kid".
This style was seen as both systematic and imitative, borrowing particular motifs from the past Roman schools of art and innovating a modernistic approach.
And I've scanned a couple of online sources and they don't have that particular motif anywhere.
Brown builds plots around particular motifs such as sleepwalking and religious mania, drawing on Enlightenment-era medical writings by people such as Erasmus Darwin.