Ronnie looked around, but saw no particular menace.
The yokes that hold together beverage six-packs are said to be a particular menace.
Unified Earth intended to avoid that particular menace, for the most devastating weapons were now in space.
Prompt action should eliminate this particular menace and make it possible for you to survive and maintain the human empire.
That particular menace, which hadn't even been identified as such earlier, is now done forever.
I dislike advocating violence, but I see no peaceful way to abate this particular menace.
A new state law is supposed to deal with this particular menace, but much depends on how it is enforced.
Raised levels of nitrite in the water are a problem whenever they occur, but can be a particular menace during the warm weather.
Lice are a particular menace to people because the bites cause extreme discomfort and in some cases sleeplessness.
Candles, romantic to many, are a particular menace in Mr. Garcia's world.