She became known during their marriage as an art and design journalist, with particular knowledge of minimalism.
My proposal would be that general practitioners continue to provide 24 hour availability by telephone when their particular knowledge of an individual patient is needed.
I don't know why this particular knowledge made us want to give cookies away.
The extra or particular knowledge of the accused is not omitted.
It could be he possesses some particular knowledge that they want.
I could name many more, but these coming within my particular knowledge, the circumstance, I thought, made it of use to record them.
Secondly, there is the question of scientists with particular knowledge.
I assumed that this particular knowledge was irrelevant to our research.
Every nation will contribute to this development according to its own abilities and particular knowledge.
Obviously, particular knowledge and the use of special equipment, which has always been owned and used by the military, are needed in certain circumstances.