Often the details of the implementation have a strong influence on the particular instructions selected for the instruction set.
Sometimes the presence of God is not accompanied by any particular instruction other than to reveal his holiness and awesome power.
Kleippur has given particular instructions for the charts and records belonging to the mapmaker, Lofbayel, to be preserved.
The total number of pages thus being used by this particular instruction is eight, and all eight pages must be present in memory at the same time.
"Any particular instructions as to how you would like it accomplished?"
These men-hunters had particular instructions as to the way they should support one another in the case of an encounter.
"Do you have any particular instructions on how you wish this handled?"
"Each of you has her particular instructions," she saidt "and if you but keep them hi mind, all will be well."
I advise you therefore to give particular instructions to your notary.
I have no particular instructions to give you, and only wish you to avoid surprise.