"Ah now, Negoro," said he, "that dog had a particular grudge against you."
He has a particular grudge against Cimorene, and does many things to hurt her and her family, but they always get the better of him.
"Did she sound as though she had any particular grudge against your wife?"
The rest owe you no particular grudge, and, unless they see you, will only think of drinking themselves dead.
But Ibos nurse particular grudges, making the conflict between them and the Hausas, Muslims who are the dominant group of the north, particularly violent.
He may have a particular grudge against Kry-1 as most of his pieces seen in game go over Kry-1.
Now known as Fraera, she holds a particular grudge against Leo and plans to make him suffer.
It looks as if Barky has some particular grudge against nonhuman sophonts-you'd think they'd have trained that out of him, but there it is.
Most have a particular grudge against Superman because his father created the method of their damnation.
Commander Sam Vimes had a particular unexplained grudge against him.