In this context, the socially constructed rules are at a cross road with the assignment of a particular gender to a person.
I often wonder what it would be like to be trapped at birth in a particular gender and body.
Reasons for this may include a traditional association of certain types of work with a particular gender.
But the dancers in "Esplanade" are often simply human beings of no particular gender.
A variety of speech (or sociolect) associated with a particular gender is sometimes called a genderlect.
The two genders may include any particular gender on or outside of the gender spectrum.
The assignment of a noun to a particular gender is largely predictable.
And it certainly wasn't always true; she didn't think of their family sedan as having any particular gender; it was just a Ford.
Given names are not in general associated with a particular gender.
Rather than being trapped by the cultural dictates for a particular gender, they choose the elements that suit them on a given day.