Cephalon has a patent on the particular formulation it uses, and that patent lasts until 2014.
There are several types of chocolate according to the proportion of cocoa used in a particular formulation.
However, the fact that this particular formulation assigns numerical values to levels of satisfaction is the source of criticism (and even ridicule).
This leads Habermas to a very particular formulation of ideology:
All more complete algorithms can be seen as solutions to particular formulations of this equation.
It depends upon the particular formulation of the product.
Many times all the uses of a particular formulation are classified as restricted or all are unclassified.
That all depends on the particular formulation of the type of "mustard".
When you shake it the particles re-suspend, again for a longer or shorter length of time, depending upon the particular formulation of the "mustard".
Without insisting on a particular formulation, the justices told the appeals court to consider other courts' approaches.