That particular flower was tilted towards the edge of the cliff.
To get that particular flower to open a little more, it may be helpful to turn to another enigma: the tarot.
Experienced gardeners have learned that the best way of being assured of growing a particular flower or vegetable is to raise the plant yourself.
Sometimes particular flowers are purchased because they were Dad's or Mother's favorites, and wouldn't it be nice to grow them, too?
"And these particular flowers, these flowers you've just got to get, don't grow around here."
That wasn't the way to honor the memory of someone who would climb a hill just to smell a particular flower.
If this is the case, that particular flower fades the next day in a manner similar to day lilies.
It can use the orientation of the sun, for example, to time its visits to a particular flower.
It is the naming of a particular flower as a Christmas rose, when it just isn't so.
That was called judgment, and the Marines, oddly enough, had nurtured that particular flower.